the extra to your ordinary

Whether your focus is personal growth or business success, I am here to support you and bridge the gap between your current place and your future vision. As a coach, my goal is to partner with you in exploring, envisioning, and empowering every aspect of your life. Let’s unlock the extra to your ordinary.

…a bit about me

  • When I was 16, I came to the States from Europe without a clear plan for what I'd like to do, an understanding of who I am, or a vision of whom I'd like to become. I felt alone, disoriented, and purposeless. I was homesick and felt guilty for leaving my friends and remaining family behind. For over two years, I struggled to make new friends, clinging to my past. I ended up in the worst physical shape of my life. I felt as if I didn’t belong anywhere, but the truth was, I just hadn’t found my place yet

  • One January morning, while driving to university, I received a call from my Broker. “We have shut down,” he said. He told me I had just 24  hours to find a new Brokerage to hang my real estate license. In panic, I called my business partner to figure out our next move. Both worried and unsettled, feeling like our 25-year old worlds had just collapsed, we knew we had to keep moving forward. That unexpected shift turned out to be the push we both needed, sparking more growth in both my personal and professional life than I could have ever imagined. The next year we were a part of the #1 Team in the #1 Office at Coldwell Banker in the US.

  • In 2017 my world turned around. My parents moved back to Europe and I went through a break-up. Both of those events stung me hard. Even though I was surrounded by brilliant business professionals and a few close friends, I felt very alone again. It was unsettling because, for the first time, I had no one to lean on and no one to share my successes with. I felt like it was me against the world and I know now that is not a good outlook on life. Looking back, I realize I needed this transition. It led me to a profound personal transformation and helped reshape who I am today in both my personal and professional life.

  • Since I was 21, I bought and sold real estate, reaching career heights I had long dreamed of. By the time I turned 30, I owned a home and had all the luxuries I desired, yet something still felt off. I felt like a larger part of me was missing. On paper, I had more than I ever had before, but I wasn’t living passionately or serving others in a ‘soul-enriching’ way. Deep down, I knew that was my direction. This uncomfortable feeling led me to re-examine my life, goals, dreams, purpose, and vision. I began pursuing my coaching studies through the Institute for Life Coach Training, and now as a Coach, I honor my calling through service, support, and helping others on their journeys through progress, growth, and transition.

“If there were no limits, what kind of life would you design for yourself and those around you?”

“If there were no limits, what kind of life would you design for yourself and those around you?”

P E R S O N A L  G R O W T H


Coaching is an alliance. It’s a thought-provoking and purposeful process in which you are the beneficiary. It’s about moving from good to great—a journey we will take together, with you leading the way. From elite athletes, artists, and performers to everyday individuals, many recognize the value of working with a professional coach who offers heartfelt support, encouragement, perspective, strategies, and accountability. Not every path is meant to be walked alone, so let’s walk this one together.


My personal coaching approach is tailored to your unique needs. I typically work from a foundation of non-interference, guiding rather than dictating. I create a place of alliance—one that is purposeful, empowering, and designed to help you achieve meaningful results on your terms.

My business coaching approach differs slightly as I provide techniques and empowerment tools while still fostering a space where you can move at your own pace, uncover your own insights, and take ownership of your business all while feeling supported.

I am as much of a collaborative partner as a coach or consultant.

Together, we will explore where you are today, envision the future you desire, and empower that vision with clarity and enthusiasm. Whether your focus is personal development or business success, I am here to help you bridge the gap between your current reality and your aspirations. As a thoughtful listener, my goal is to support, encourage, and challenge you to step confidently into your potential.

This journey belongs to you. I accompany you along the way.



The Interior Designer is an extensive personal development program and guided course.


The Apprentice is a personal development program and a guided course [1/2 of the Interior Designer]


The Internship is an introductory program to the guided courses (Program I & II).

B U S I N E S S   S U C C E S S


Marketing Strategies

Clarifying the brand’s unique value and aligning it with a specific target audience.

Sales Techniques

Refining sales approaches and building confidence in the sales technique.

Progress and Expansion

Identifying opportunities for growth while navigating expansion challenges.


As Buffett says, “The best investment by far is anything that develops yourself!” No matter the time or circumstances, the opportunity to invest in your personal and professional growth is always there. What matters most is your willingness to take the first step, knowing that growth is a lifelong journey, not a quick race to be won.

There is no right or wrong path when it comes to enriching your life.


“Coaching me on my time..”

“As someone who has a history of being able to commit to my goals, having a coach providing external motivation seemed to be my best route to initiating big changes. PT has encouraged me, in many thoughtful ways, to jump into the fire feet first. Coaching me on my time, and meeting me in my current space gave me the courage and support I needed to make incredible progress in both my personal and professional journey.” - J.Bachman

“You gave so much..”

“I heard today at my session that you will be moving on from SCORE.

Thank you so much for all of your advisement during your time with the organization. Your counseling significantly shifted how we do business and brought my communication and business acumen to new heights. You gave so much during your time there and I am so appreciative.”

- Ann M.


Single Inquiry Calls

One-time occasional calls can be especially helpful when you’re feeling stuck, facing a tough decision, stressed out and overwhelmed, or just seeking an outside perspective but not having to commit to a long-term package coaching plan.

Packaged Inquiry Calls

Continuous calls are after transformation while boosting your sense of personal empowerment. They are designed for individuals ready to dive deeper into their personal growth and development—people who are not just seeking clarity, but striving to become clear-minded at their core.


Explore the Empowerment Programs, Coaching Calls, and Packages offered HERE!